So, it's been nearly a year since we've posted, but what can you say when you have a one year old running around, not much time for the internet. So, much has happened in a year and I couldn't possibly tell it all in one post.
Luke got tubes in his ears in November and he hasn't had one ear infection since, YAY!!! We sold our house in the spring after it was on the market for over a year, thank goodness! In the meantime we were fixing up Nonna's house in Monticello, which has turned out beautifully and feels like home to Brad, Luke, & me!
Brad started nursing school in August, which turned all our schedules upside down. He's working 3-12 hour shifts at night and going to school 4 days a week, while I work during the day. It's a difficult schedule but in 1 1/2 years it will be well worth it. Luke and I are very proud of him!
Now we are about to enter the "terrible 2's", but with a little boy as sweet as Luke I can't imagine it being terrible, LOL! Don't get me wrong Luke has his moments, but when he leans over and says "Hold you" and gives you a big kiss right on the lips all the irritating things he did that day just vanish.
I hope I'll find more time to blog this year, but only time will tell...Ok now for cutey pictures!